Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama's victory from a management perspective

By Bill Taylor

It's the morning after one of the most miraculous events in memory, so it seems slightly uninspired to look to yesterday's election for lessons about leadership, competition, and change. But what is a presidential election, ultimately, then a nationwide exercise in leadership, competition, and change?
So this morning, still bleary-eyed from a late night of watching concession speeches, victory celebrations, and nonstop punditry from all points on the political spectrum, allow me to offer a few insights about how Barack Obama ran his campaign to lead our country -- and what it means for how we should think about how we run our companies and lead our organizations.

The first lesson is that being different makes all the difference. It's remarkable, really, how similar so many of our first 43 presidents have been to one another. It's not just that they've all been white males, but that so many of them have been cut from the same personal and political cloth. Lawyers. Military service. Many years (if not decades) entrenched in the political scene.

Get the full article: How Obama Became CEO of the USA -- and What It Means for CEOs Everywhere

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